Teaming up with NotReal, we crafted a pandemic-friendly show package for a (top secret) client - showcasing the best and brightest from their bedroom offices to yours.

While usually a live event, the pandemic meant that in-person was off the table, so we used bright bold colors and groovy graphic shapes to help speakers share their visions of how we can shape tomorrow.

Cue the virtual open bar!

This is a collection of my work on the project.


Client: Shhh…
Directed by: NotReal
Creative Direction: Valeria Moreiro, Milton Gonzalez
Executive Producer: Roberto Connolly
Project Manager: Tomas Rajlevsky
Art Direction: Valeria Moreiro
Animation Direction: Milton Gonzalez
Design: Luján Borzi, Octavio Pollono, Flor Piovesanel, Malena de Luca, Den Alicia, Valeria Moreiro
Animation: Juampi Siaccaluga, Eduardo Altarriba, Jordan Scott, Miguel D'Errico, Francisco Castro, Martin Ayerbe, Patricio Blanco y Pasetto, Milton Gonzalez