Hello, my name is Jordan Scott (J-Scott). I am a freelance animator and enjoy combining different techniques, approaches, and styles - creating for clients big and small. I have won no awards, given no speeches and what I lack in experience I make up for with inexperience.

In my spare time I hunt for, collect, and enjoy drinking bourbon.

Say hello.


Select Clients

Airbnb, Apple, Cartoon Network, Comcast, Compass, Dropbox, eBay, ESPN, Facebook, Ford, Google, Grubhub, IBM, IKEA, Instagram, Jolly Rancher, Mastercard, McDonald's, Microsoft, NBC, New York Children's Hospital, Nike, Oculus, Pepsi, Qualcomm, Refinery 29, Salesforce, Saturday Night Live, Sephora, Sherwin Williams, Spotify, Twitter, UNICEF, Verizon, Washington State Lottery, Waze

Select Studios

2x4, The Academy, Aggressive, Agent Pekka, Apple, Assembly, B-Reel, Blind, Brand New School, Buck, Bullpen, Digital Kitchen, DressCode, Figma Brand Studio, Firstborn, The Furrow, Gentleman Scholar, Google Material Design, Gunner, Hieronymus, Juniper Jones, Hobbes, Hornet, Imaginary Forces, Lifelong Friendship Society, ManvsMachine, The New Company, Nexus, NotReal, NotToScale, Oddfellows, PepRally, Red Antler, Sibling Rivalry, Stardust, Tendril, Very True Story, Visual Creatures, Woodshop, Worship, 72 and Sunny