Many people don't trust or understand how companies collect or use their data. Teaming with Buck, we partnered with IKEA and Work & Co to rethink and redesign the IKEA experience through the lens of data ethics. The goal is to give customers control over how their data is collected, stored and used in a simple and straightforward way.

Who’s got two thumbs and likes that idea? (double taps)…this guy!

This is a collection of my work on the project.


Client: IKEA
Directed By: Buck
Executive Creative Director: Orion Tait
Executive Producer: Anne Skopas
Creative Direction: Jon Gorman
Art Direction: Justin Cassano
Producer: Kevin Hall
Design: Colin Bigelow, Enle Li, Justin Cassano, Simone Noronha, Sofia Pashaei, Stevie Watkins, Thomas Schmid, Yeojin Shin
Animation: Alex Perry, Enle Li, Jordan Scott