Not all superheroes wear capes. Teaming up with the Airbnb team, we crafted 3 heartwarming spots for the annual Belo Awards which honors some of the most inspiring things hosts have done for their guests. After listening to these stories, it wouldn't be surprising if Superman had a poster or two of these real life heroes on his wall!

Good is not something you are, it's something you do.


Client: Airbnb
Directed By: Oddfellows
Creative Direction: Colin Trenter
Art Direction: Kenesha Sneed
Executive Producer: TJ Kearney
Producer: Jen Szeto
Design: Kenesha Sneed, Allen Laseter, Colin Trenter, Sarah Beth Hulver
Animation: Jordan Scott, Josh Parker, Stan Cameron, Kavan Masgoodi, Khylin Woodrow, Allen Laseter, Alec Cummings
Audio: Sono Sanctus